Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I will update this blog sometime! I have been having problems with uploading pictures and having them in the right layout. I get so frustrated I just give up. I'm sure someday I can sleep better at night knowing this thing is up to date.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Our Halloween

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My conversation with Maci

Tonight after dinner I was trying to keep Maci occupied so that I could clean up. I started asking her some questions so she would stay in her seat. It went a little bit like this:

Me: "What does a cow say Maci?"
Maci: "Moo"
Me: "What does a cat say?
Maci: "Meuw"
Me: "What about a horse?"
Maci: "Heeee"
Me: "Do you know what a car sounds like?"
Maci: "vrrooommmm"
Me: "What does mommy say?"
Maci: "no, no!"

That's not what I was really going for, but at least I know she's listening some of the time. She has a way of making me laugh pretty much everyday.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fun with Friends

Yesterday we were able to spend the day with my long lost friend Stephanie. I'm really bad at keeping in touch, sorry! It was a nice little reunion and fun to talk about how our lives are pretty much the same and having babies just two months apart gives us quite a bit in common. We played at Heritage Park and had a picnic. Eli and Maci were on the gothe whole time and Maci wouldn't even sit down to eat. She just has too much to do and see! We had lots of fun and enjoyed being able to hang out with friends! Thanks again for fitting me into to your busy schedule Steph :)

The two deciding what to do next... swings or slide?

Isn't he adorable?

Maci loves helping out

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A bit of our trip

We have been having lots of fun visiting family in Texas and now in Tennessee. Maci loves meeting everyone and is starting to show so much personality!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I know it's been forever without a post, it shouldn't be much of a surprise. We've been busy this summer just like everyone else. We've had fun with our cousins and all the fun things that they invite us to do. We went to TX this last week and my cousin took us out on the lake the day before we left. It reminded me of all the fun we had when we were little. Maci and I are gearing up for another trip to TX and TN next week. We'll be gone for about 3 weeks! Crazy! I'm sure we'll have lots of fun. Hopefully my parents won't get tired of us and Josh won't get too lonely here in UT without us. He's still job hunting now that his internship has ended. Anyone know of anything? Anyways, here are a few pics. Enjoy!
helping cousin seth drive the boat
my older brother aaron didn't want to have to get back in the boat so we towed him to shore (it was one of those times you had to be there for it to be so funny)
she loves her float!
my aunt had a life jacket just her size, it was probably one I wore when I was little
at the discovery museum in SLC, the kids needed an ogre so I guess I fit the part?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

free entertainment