We went down to Utah last week so that Josh could go to a couple of job interviews and it turns out that they were successful. Thanks again for letting us crash with you Kelli! Josh was offered a job with the Employment Resources Services for the Church in SLC. We're not sure when he'll actually start and we have to work out all of the housing details, but we're still excited. We're not that thrilled that we will have to go through the whole moving ordeal and leave all the things that we've come to enjoy here in Rexburg behind like friends and family (Nathan, Hanna, and Lauren-we really will miss you), the garden, the small town, only having to choose between three places to eat at on the weekends :), our little home, etc., but we're on to a new adventure and not so much snow!
10 years ago
That is great news! Congratulations! Let us know more details when they become available...such as when you are moving.
Congrats on the job Josh. I am hope you love it. I loved the short time I worked at the Church Office Building. Walking around the temple grounds at lunch...so nice.
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